Community Heals

I am in love with creating beautiful and intentional spaces for people to come together to connect, play, experiment, go deep, and enjoy a sense of community! I offer different kinds of classes, workshops, and retreats throughout the year. Each gathering is designed for personal transformation.

I use a variety of tools in my workshops such as intuitive art, guided meditations, journal prompts, group discussion, sensory play, compassionate communication, and self love practices to help you connect with your truest self.

Contact me if you are interested in hiring me to run a workshop for a group. We will connect to talk about what exactly you are looking for and design a workshop specific to your needs. Pricing will depend on the activity, supplies, amount of time, and location.

Examples of Past Events

Monthly Empowerment Circles

Circles are currently on hold

Monthly Empowerment Circles were built with the intention of creating real connections, supporting people in their self-reflection, facilitating honest intimate conversation, reminding people they’re not alone, and doing this healing journey in community.

Circles begin with quick guest introductions, a review of the topic, a guided meditation, a series of journal prompts, a few quiet minutes of writing, and then time for conversation. We will repeat the journaling and conversation 1 - 2 more times. We end by closing with our biggest take aways and a review of upcoming events.

This class is great for the person who:

  • Aspires to journal but doesn’t set aside time for it

  • Wants to reflect through writing but doesn’t know how and doesn’t want to just recount the day in diary form

  • Processes through writing and/or talking it out with others

  • Desires somebody to ask the powerful questions that will inspire deep reflective thought and shift in perspectives

  • Craves community, intimate connection, and honest conversation

  • Is committed to their personal empowerment and creating a life they desire

(Past Monthly Topics: 2020 Reflections, Empowering Myself for 2021, Creating Joy, Self Compassion, Embracing Change, Owning our Magic, Reclaiming the Divine Feminine, Creating Pleasure, Slowing Down, Reflecting and Honoring 2021, Vision Casting for 2022)

Dia de Los Muertos Gathering & Art Class

Dia de los Muertos is a beautiful day of remembering and honoring those close to us who have died.

In this online gathering, I'll spend some time talking about this holiday as well as the significance of the skull. Meanwhile, you will have printouts of skulls that you can either draw in or color. PDF's of both an empty skull and a predesigned skull will be emailed to you in PDF format.

For those who are comfortable sharing, we'll end the gathering by telling a little about the person we are honoring.

I encourage you to create a sacred space around you with candles, flowers, a treat, a hot drink, and perhaps a photo of those who've passed on to awaken all of our senses during this class and make this time together special.

Monday, November 2nd, 7:00-9:00 pm

$25 per guest with 50% being given to Border Angels

Eventbrite Registration

Dia de los Muertos IG Post.jpg

Finding Calm in the Storm

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Are you feeling tossed around by the chaos and storm of life right now? Struggling with feelings of anxiousness, sadness, or confusion? Are you having a hard time getting grounded, regaining a sense of control, and feeling at peace?

Join me in this 1 hour free event to get some insights and tips to help you gain a little more calm in the midst of the storm. You'll learn how the brain works and the incredible power of your thoughts. Walk away with a few new practices that you can start using right away.

FREE Registration on Eventbrite

30 minute pauses for for 30 days

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Did you know that all the answers, truth, guidance, and possibility that you seek outside of you are actually available within you? Maybe you’ve heard that before but you don’t quite know how to get there. Well, if you’re curious, then this class is for you!

I’ve designed this class to be a collage work of different teachings, tools, and processes to help support you in creating a more intimate connection with your self mentally, physically, and spiritually. Thirty days worth of videos, journal practices, live classroom time, art, guided visualizations, meditations, play, pleasure, self care, and more! Each day will be teachings, group meetings, or practices that will take under 30 minutes.

Show up and participate as much as you’d like in a way that works best for you!

June 1st-June 30th

Eventbrite Registration $30

Facebook Event

Cultivating Self Compassion


We’re always being told about the importance of self-care, self-love, and self-compassion, but what does it actually mean? We all have that inner critic, the voice in our heads that leaves us feeling shame, guilt, frustration, anger, sadness, fear...the list goes on. Imagine being equipped to move through those feelings more quickly and instead, experience their positive counterparts of pride, fulfillment, excitement, happiness...this list goes on as well!

Imagine learning how to be your own best friend and advocate - how that shift might ripple and change your entire life. Imagine being able to more naturally generate feelings of empathy and compassion for others - replacing rapid judgements and presumptions with care and understanding. Imagine being able to do the same, for yourself.

Join Transformational Life Coach Angie Louthan, for 6 weekly video gatherings delving into how the brain works, why compassion matters, the power of belief, the gift of emotion, and the importance of tangible tools you can put to use in your own daily life.

Learning doesn't happen from just listening so I'll teach these concepts but then we'll be practicing some of these new tools in this online class. You can expect teachings, guided meditations, journal practices, and group discussions in this live weekly Zoom class.

Suggested $99 OR Donation

Eventbrite Tickets

Facebook Event

Mondays, June 1st - July 6th

7:00-8:30 pm

Finding Freedom through Intuitive Art


A 4-week series of intuitive art processes using several different kinds of mediums. This class was designed for people who don’t identify themselves as a creative, who might struggle with perfectionism, who are comparing themselves to others, who find themselves asking for permission from others, who have a hard time finding their joy or purpose, who find it difficult to get in touch with their intuition, and/or who craves the feeling of living in freedom.

Through this class you’ll get in touch with your childlike curiosity, play, experiment, explore, make messes, take brave action, let go of the final product, learn how to enjoy the journey, and gain more trust in your intuition.

Classes are as follow:

1st Watercolor & Zentangles

2nd Intuitive Painting

3rd Blackout Poetry

4th Drawing Mandalas

Tuesdays, February 4th-February 25th, 6:30-8:30 pm OR

Tuesdays, April 7th-April 28th, 6:30-8:30 pm

Cost $140 Register through The Schack Art Center

Soul Collage Cards

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Create a deck of your very own personal soul collage cards that you can use to help support you during life's challenges and transitions!

Soul collaging is an artistic and intuitive process in which one creates a deck of cards that have deep personal meaning to help you during moments of life's challenges, crossroads, challenges, or transitions.

Angie will start the class with a guided meditation to connect with your intuition and higher knowing. She'll then provide instruction as to how to create your very own unique set of 6-8 cards.

Come join us for an evening of self connection, introspection, community, play, friends, music, and art!

We love welcoming new people into our space so know you'll be warmly included. Feel free to invite a friend.

Cost includes cards, magazines, scissors, glue, watercolors, and paint pens. We'll also provide kombucha, tea, and water.

Womxns only event.

$35 Eventbrite Tickets

Friday, November 22nd, 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Judy Lee Photography Studio, Ballard Neighborhood of Seattle

Facebook Event

BLackout poetry

Intuitive Art Poetry

This event is for all genders and children over the age of 8.

Blackout poetry is an intuitive process of reading through a book page, circling the powerful words that has meaning and significance to you, and then blacking out the rest. For all of those who didn't think they could be a poet, you might leave this class feeling like a Maya Angelou or Edgar Allen Poe!

This is a fun, playful, and creative activity that involves trusting your intuition, exploring, and experimenting. You'll also have opportunities to turn your poetry into a piece of art by adding color, symbols, and/or drawings to the page. There's NO wrong way to do it!

This class includes a glass of wine, all the markers, paints, canvases, lots of book pages to pick from, socialization, and playful poetry creating!


Facebook Event Page & Eventbrite Tickets (Lynnwood)

Facebook Event Page & Eventbrite Tickets (Seattle)

Mandala or Zentangle Pumpkin Painting


Get into the season and go into October with a beautiful painted pumpkin! I will spend some time talking about mandalas, their history, and how to create your very own unique design! I will also give a brief teaching about Zentangles. You’ll then have the option to whichever styles of drawing you’d like to do on your pumpkin.

Costs cover 1 medium sized white pumpkins, oil based paint pens, acrylic paint, brushes, and dotting tools. We’ll also provide kombucha, tea, sparkling water, and water.

Each participant will get 1 pumpkin and about 1.5 hours to draw and paint on their pumpkins. Everybody will go home with a box to carry their pumpkin home in.

Cost $35

Interested in hosting your own class? Hostesses get to do the class for free. Minimum 5 guests. Message me at


Scribble Zentangle Class


Art helps make the unconscious conscious and bring awareness to patterns of thoughts that are no longer serving us. We may even discover parts of ourselves that we have been repressing or rejecting. As a facilitator of this process, I help support you when moments come up that create discomfort, fear, or resistance.

Once we bring more light to the unconscious thoughts, I will show you how to transform these beliefs into something that empowers us and allows us to move towards creating the life we desire. Through art, we are given a safe opportunity to experiment with a new mindset and attitude and see what happens when we try something different. We can then take these insights into other parts of our lives and create change where its needed.

What you will get out of this:

  • Practice in what it means to follow your intuition.

  • An opportunity to try a new meditative practice.

  • Teachings about our unconscious and the power it has in our life.

  • Insight and awareness to your inner thoughts, stories, and beliefs.

  • Liberation from having to do everything perfect or within a box.

  • Childlike play, experimentation, and exploration.

  • Mental, physical, and emotional stretching and growth.

  • Tools to take home with you to help transform the thoughts, beliefs, and habits that no longer serve you.

Friday, May 31st, 10 am - 12 pm

InSpark Coworking Space in Lynnwood


The Art of Creating Your Life

Intuitive Painting


Do you find yourself feeling stuck and unable to take action, confused about an issue, comparing yourself with others, afraid of being messy, needing to know how things are going to end, and/or unable to manifest the things you want in your life?  What if you were able to see, through a playful experience of painting, that the unconscious thoughts running in the background of your mind are manifesting the life you are currently seeing and experiencing? 

In this class, we will use painting as a tool for practicing mindfulness, trusting our gut, finding joy in the journey, letting go of attachments, and seeing how our stories and fears hold us back from creating the life we desire. No art skills or experience necessary!  We'll end with some writing practices to help you take some of those thoughts that no longer serve you and transform them into new beliefs that will empower you for the rest of your life. For men and women!

Friday, July 26th, 10 am - 12 pm

Inspark Coworking in Lynnwood


Finding Light in the Dark

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In this workshop we'll do teachings, guided meditations, and journal practices to understand and work with our shadows in order to see their gifts, extend them compassion, and integrate them into our being. Shadow aspects are the parts that we often reject, repress, or hide because we don't believe they're acceptable. We'll end the afternoon by capturing a meaningful portrait of one of your shadow aspects so you can have a visual reminder to help you learn to embrace this part of you.

Embracing your shadows will support you in showing up brighter, lighter, and more authentically you. When we dim aspects of ourselves, we dim our chances for experiencing true joy and self love. When we feel more whole we experience more joy, self love, mindfulness, better relationships, and better health.

Who is this for?

  • Anybody who struggles to understand and fully embrace aspects of themselves whether it's their emotions, their behavior, their body, their personality, etc.

  • Anybody who wants to learn how to self connect and love themselves more.

  • Anybody who feels like they are broken, bad, wrong, and lives in constant shame about who they are.

  • Anybody who is struggling showing up true and authentically out of fear of judgement.

How many seats are available?

We are reserving only 4 seats as we want to create as much safety and intimacy while doing this work.

What will you get out of this experience?

  • Tools for Introspection

  • Practice in guided meditation and journaling with powerful questions.

  • Embracing an aspect of yourself that you've hidden, repressed, shamed, or rejected.

  • A feeling of empowerment in how you can continue your journey towards wholeness and more self love.

  • You'll stand a little bit taller, brighter, and more authentically you in the world.

  • A shared experience in community with a small group in embracing our shadows.

2 day workshop

Saturday, November 9th 10am-1:30 pm and November 16th 10am-12 pm

Cost $199

Eventbrite Tickets

Location: Judy Lee Photography Studio, Seattle